Articles on: Administrator

How to login as an Administrator

To login as a SignalWire Work administrator:

Obtain the SignalWire Work domain and visit the following address in the Web Browser:

https:// {SignalWire-Work-domain} /#/admin

If prompted, enter your name and e-mail address.

Enter the administrator username and password provided. If this is the first time anyone from your organization is setting up the account. use the superuser account provided by SignalWire.

Click Save


Visit the following address in the Web browser:

https:// {SignalWire Work domain}

If required, allow devices and enter name and email as appropriate.

From the System menu in the upper right, choose Login.

Enter the administrator username and password provided. If this is the first time anyone from your organization is setting up your account, use the superuser account provided to by SignalWire.

Click Save.

Updated on: 10/11/2020

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