Articles on: Moderator

Playing ClipEEze into a room

ClipEEze are short audio or video media clips played in a room to highlight, accentuate, or applaud statements or events during a conference. Typically, these media clips may reinforce company slogans or corporate culture but are also useful to engage teams that span organizations.

Examples of times to use ClipEEze:

welcoming everyone to a meeting
expression of a good idea
applause during a statement of recognition
to lighten up an otherwise dark moment
to pull back up to a higher level discussion
saying "Goodbye" to end the meeting

If you see the ClipEEze icon on the room, the room moderator has enabled ClipEEze.

To play ClipEEze into a room

Click on the ClipEEze icon

The ClipEEze pane will appear. Click a desired ClipEEze to play from those available to play.

The ClipEEze pane will show three controls:

Find clips - There is a search filter at the top of the ClipEEze pane that allows for you to search keywords in the titles of each clip to make finding the video you're looking for easier.

ClipEEze Role - Dictates how the clip will be viewed on the screen when clicked.

Guest 1
Video Clips
Full Screen: the ClipEEze will fill up the entire conference screen rather than playing as an additional user in its own video square. Full Screen is a useful feature for events, classrooms, and other instances where the video demands full attention rather than acting as aside commentary.

Loop Clip - When "Loop Clip" is clicked, the ClipEEze will play in an infinite loop until a moderator manually stops it. Looping a ClipEEze can be used to play an advertisement in a Lobby room, or in other instances where people are constantly entering and leaving a room.

To stop a ClipEEze from playing, both regular and looped, click the white square in the top left corner of the video. Only moderators are able to stop a ClipEEze.

Moderators can enable & disable ClipEEze usage while within in a SignalWire as well as upload the files to be used.

To enable & disable ClipEEze:

On the Main menu at the bottom center of the screen, click on the Advanced Controls option

On the Room Settings tab, click on the ClipEEze icon to enable or disable.

To upload ClipEEze:

Click the Menu icon

Click Administration & then click ClipEEze

Click Add ClipEEze

Type a name in the Title field. This will be the name used to search for the ClipEEze
Select an MP4 file to upload
Click Upload

Administrators are able to upload custom ClipEEze. Learn more in the Administrator guide.

Updated on: 28/01/2022

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